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The locally developed BrainTrack app was recognised at the Asia-Pacific Information Communications Technology Alliance Awards in Hong Kong.
An Australian-developed smartphone app that can track the progression of dementia has made it to the finals of the Asia-Pacific Information Communications Technology Alliance Awards.
BrainTrack – developed jointly by Dementia Australia and Deakin University’s Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute – reached the finals of the awards in the health and wellbeing category.
The app has been downloaded 60,000 times since its launch in October 2022, and Maree McCabe AM, Dementia Australia’s chief executive, is proud to see it receive international recognition.
“I congratulate the incredible team behind this groundbreaking tool that is increasing the understanding of dementia and raising awareness about the importance of monitoring and talking about brain health,” McCabe said in a statement.
“We won our first APICTA in 2014 for our Virtual Dementia Experience. It is so exciting to be recognised once more by these prestigious, international awards.”
BrainTrack monitors changes in cognition via “fun, travel-themed” games that are used in validated cognitive testing, with the results easily able to be shared with general practitioners and other health professionals. The app can assist with the early identification of changes over time, which may lead to further testing and diagnosis.
“With more than 400,000 Australians living with dementia – which is projected to increase to more than 800,000 by 2058 – improving early diagnosis must be a priority,” McCabe said.
The app qualified to compete after winning in its category in both the ACT and then the National 2023 Australian Information Industry Association iAwards. It was also recently Best App for Good for 2023 by the Google Play app store.
The app can be downloaded from the Google and Apple app stores.
David Hollingworth has been writing about technology for over 20 years, and has worked for a range of print and online titles in his career. He is enjoying getting to grips with cyber security, especially when it lets him talk about Lego.
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