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Cyber criminals are taking interest in Australia’s parliament house, according to comments made by James Lawson, chief information officer for the Department of Parliamentary Services.
During a Senate estimates hearing on Monday, Lawson issued a warning that despite it having a range of measures in place to protect the data and electronic devices of those within Parliament House, attacks are on the rise.
"Parliament House is of particular interest to malicious cyber actors," he said during the hearing.
"There's constant attempts [by cyber attackers] … to breach our networks and to make targeted attacks against us."
When LNP senator James McGrath followed up, asking just how many attacks on Parliament House there had been in the last few months, Lawson was unable to answer and took the question on notice.
Cyber Security Connect has reached out to James Lawson’s office for comment.
Whilst the number of attacks has not been disclosed, Parliament House has been targeted by bad actors before. In 2021, Parliament House was victim to a cyber attack in which bad actors gained access through mobile devices.
The attack took place on 25 March, and lasted roughly 24 hours.
Whilst no data was reported as compromised, former senator and High Commissioner of Australia to Canada Scott Ryan said that networks like Parliament House are constantly under fire by cyber criminals.
"Such a prominent network like this is not like your house being burgled. You don't expect your house to be burgled every hour,” he said in a Senate estimates hearing in 2021.
“A network like this is a very attractive proposition.”
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