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Poland’s space agency is currently facing the aftermath of a cyber attack, having taken its systems offline to mitigate damage.
The Polish Space Agency (POLSA) announced on X (formerly Twitter) that it had suffered a cyber attack and that an investigation is underway.
“There has been a cyber security incident at POLSA. The relevant services and institutions have been informed,” said POLSA in the post, which has been translated into English.
“The situation is being analysed. In order to secure data after the hack, the POLSA network was immediately disconnected from the Internet. We will keep you updated.”
W POLSA doszło do incydentu cyberbezpieczeństwa. Odpowiednie służby i instytucje zostały poinformowane. Trwa analiza zaistniałej sytuacji. W celu zabezpieczenia danych po włamaniu, sieć POLSA została natychmiast odłączona od Internetu. Będziemy Państwa informować na bieżąco.
— Polska Agencja Kosmiczna (@POLSA_GOV_PL) March 2, 2025
POLSA has not disclosed the nature of the incident, nor has it identified a threat actor or set a deadline for systems to be restored.
“In connection with the incident, the systems under attack were secured. CSIRT NASK, together with CSIRT MON, supports POLSA in activities aimed at restoring the operational functioning of the agency,” said Poland’s Minister of Digital Affairs, Krzysztof Gawkowski.
“Intensive operational activities are also underway to identify who is behind the cyber attack. We will publish further information on this matter on an ongoing basis.”
Służby państwa odpowiedzialne za cyberbezpieczeństwo wykryły nieuprawniony dostęp do infrastruktury teleinformatycznej Polskiej Agencji Kosmicznej.
— Krzysztof Gawkowski (@KGawkowski) March 2, 2025
W związku z incydentem zabezpieczone zostały systemy objęte atakiem. CSIRT NASK wspólnie z CSIRT MON wspiera POLSA w działaniach,…
However, agency sources speaking with The Register said the cyber attack seems to be linked to internal email compromise and that staff have been instructed to use phones rather than email.
POLSA’s website at the time of writing is also unreachable.
Speaking with Polish media in January, Gawkowski said Poland is the “most attacked country in the European Union when it comes to cyber space incidents”, adding that most cyber attacks came from Russian sources.
He also said that in 2024, Russian state-sponsored hacking group APT28, also known as Fancy Bear, targeted POLSA.